Easee Equalizer E02-EQ
- [17.2. 2025]Zmazať/ Upraviť/ Topovať

Easee Equalizer je inteligentné zariadenie navrhnuté tak, aby optimalizovalo váš zážitok z nabíjania. Pripojí sa k vášmu meraču výkonu a meria vašu spotrebu energie a aktuálne zaťaženie v reálnom čase, pričom automaticky vyrovnáva celkovú úroveň energie medzi nabíjacím robotom (robotmi) a vašou budovou.
Ekvalizér vám umožní využiť všetku dostupnú kapacitu bez rizika vypadnutia hlavnej poistky v dôsledku preťaženia. Číta celkovú spotrebu energie vo vašej budove a komunikuje ju s nabíjačkou cez WiFi a rádio. Nabíjačka potom upraví nabíjanie vozidla podľa dostupnej kapacity. Keď je spotreba energie vo vašej budove nižšia, automaticky sa sprístupní viac energie pre nabíjací robot(y), čo umožňuje rýchlejšie nabíjanie. Ekvalizér poskytuje neustálu komunikáciu s nabíjačkou cez WiFi a rádio, aj keď dôjde k strate internetového pripojenia.
Jednoduchá inštalácia, malý a ľahký senzor Easee Equalizer sa zmestí na väčšinu miest
Automatické dynamické vyrovnávanie záťaže medzi nabíjacím robotom (robotmi) a budovou
Zabraňuje preťaženiu/prerušeniu napájania počas nabíjania vášho EV
Nabíjajte elektromobily
The Easee Equalizer is a smart device, designed to optimise your charging experience. It connects to your power meter and measures your energy consumption and the current load in real-time, automatically balancing the total energy level between the charging robot(s) and your building.
The Equalizer lets you utilise all the available capacity, without running the risk of tripping the main fuse due to overload. It reads the total energy use in your building and communicates this to the charger via WiFi and radio. The charger then adjusts the vehicle charging according to available capacity. When energy consumption in your building is lower, more energy automatically becomes available for the charging robot(s), allowing faster charging. The Equalizer provides constant communication to the charger via WiFi and radio, even if internet connection is lost.
Easy to Install, small and lightweight, the Easee Equalizer sensor fits in most places
Automatic dynamic load balancing between the Charger Robot(s) and the building
Avoids overload/power interruption while charging your EV
Charge EVs faster when building's energy consumption is lower and during off-peak times
Capable of balancing multiple charging robots, and charging multiple vehicles simultaneously
Direct communication with Easee chargers via Easee LinkTM or WiFi (when used together with an Easee Charging Robot)
Up to 50m coverage in open air when used together with an Easee Charging Robot
Monitor power consumption in your home/ building, via the Easee App
Ekvalizér vám umožní využiť všetku dostupnú kapacitu bez rizika vypadnutia hlavnej poistky v dôsledku preťaženia. Číta celkovú spotrebu energie vo vašej budove a komunikuje ju s nabíjačkou cez WiFi a rádio. Nabíjačka potom upraví nabíjanie vozidla podľa dostupnej kapacity. Keď je spotreba energie vo vašej budove nižšia, automaticky sa sprístupní viac energie pre nabíjací robot(y), čo umožňuje rýchlejšie nabíjanie. Ekvalizér poskytuje neustálu komunikáciu s nabíjačkou cez WiFi a rádio, aj keď dôjde k strate internetového pripojenia.
Jednoduchá inštalácia, malý a ľahký senzor Easee Equalizer sa zmestí na väčšinu miest
Automatické dynamické vyrovnávanie záťaže medzi nabíjacím robotom (robotmi) a budovou
Zabraňuje preťaženiu/prerušeniu napájania počas nabíjania vášho EV
Nabíjajte elektromobily
The Easee Equalizer is a smart device, designed to optimise your charging experience. It connects to your power meter and measures your energy consumption and the current load in real-time, automatically balancing the total energy level between the charging robot(s) and your building.
The Equalizer lets you utilise all the available capacity, without running the risk of tripping the main fuse due to overload. It reads the total energy use in your building and communicates this to the charger via WiFi and radio. The charger then adjusts the vehicle charging according to available capacity. When energy consumption in your building is lower, more energy automatically becomes available for the charging robot(s), allowing faster charging. The Equalizer provides constant communication to the charger via WiFi and radio, even if internet connection is lost.
Easy to Install, small and lightweight, the Easee Equalizer sensor fits in most places
Automatic dynamic load balancing between the Charger Robot(s) and the building
Avoids overload/power interruption while charging your EV
Charge EVs faster when building's energy consumption is lower and during off-peak times
Capable of balancing multiple charging robots, and charging multiple vehicles simultaneously
Direct communication with Easee chargers via Easee LinkTM or WiFi (when used together with an Easee Charging Robot)
Up to 50m coverage in open air when used together with an Easee Charging Robot
Monitor power consumption in your home/ building, via the Easee App
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