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Milk+Blush 12 Seamless 140g / 33cm

- [5.3. 2025]
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Milk+Blush 12 Seamless 140g / 33cm - 1
Milk+Blush 12 Seamless 140g / 33cm - 2
Milk+Blush 12 Seamless 140g / 33cm - 3
Milk+Blush 12 Seamless 140g / 33cm - 4
Milk+Blush 12 Seamless 140g / 33cm - 5
Milk+Blush 12 Seamless 140g / 33cm - 6
Milk+Blush 12 Seamless 140g / 33cm - 7
Milk + Blush 12” Seamless Deluxe 140g Clip-in Hair Extensions will transform your hair. You can feel more confident with beautiful, longer hair that’s comfortable to wear and easy to clip in.

The 12" 140gram seamless hair extensions are made with a flat silicone base strip, making them discreet and virtually undetectable. We have also included a quad volumiser weft in the set, giving you the very best of both worlds.

Length + Weight: 12" 140g

Quality: Made with beautiful A+ 100% Remy human hair.

Type: 9 Seamless wefts (2 x 6", 5 x 4", 2 x 1.5”)

+ Free Volumiser Lace Weft! (1 x 8")




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Lokalita:Mapa821 07 Bratislava


55 ľudí


120 €
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